Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Whatitdo? To anyone out there who cares. I guess Facebook has made me go astray a little, so I've neglected my blog. It's been a whole year since my last post. And over a year since I made that transition from the right to the left coast. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated as 2011 will definitely prove to be the year of the SUN. If you aren't already a friend make sure you add me at facebook.com/OzyReigns. Got some big tings in store this year and I'd rather show than tell. One major thing that I am very proud of is the progress I've made with my West Coast crew. I linked up with my former Clark Atlanta University roommate comedian Trey Eliott, comedian Boogie B Montrell and fellow actor Jermeil Saunders last year to take over an area of LA called the valley. We now do two shows a week. LOL Mondays @ Weber's in Reseda and Birthday/Comedy Thursdays @ Moksha in Canoga Park. Both in which I do my thang live. Know anyone in LA? Send em out. Other than that, stay tuned!